How Is Digiflavor Drop Solo V1.5 RDA Performing In Flavor Production?

This time we’ll be covering the Drop Solo RDA V1.5 by Digiflavor. If you are a fan of the Drop line, then don’t miss out on this one. Here are more details.

The Drop Solo V1.5 RDA is a new and more improved version of the original Drop Solo. It keeps many features of the original, which vapers loved, but offers a different look alongside some key differences allowing for improvements over the original. Firstly, it sports an overall diameter of 22mm. Additionally, it adopts the same build deck, which is a dual post single coil build deck. The building is incredibly easy on this atomizer, and the 5mm juice well means you can drip plenty of e-liquid.

drop solo v1.5 review

Another great feature of the vape RDA is the airflow system, and this is a key difference from the original. It’s a dual adjustable side airflow, giving you an awesome draw that’s smooth. Not to mention, you’ll get great flavor. Lastly, if you’re a fan of squonking, the Drop Solo V1.5 RDA comes with a gold-plated BF pin. It sells at $19.99 in vapesourcing online shop now. For the price it’s going for, you simply cannot go wrong.

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